Business that works in 4 countries and brings profits
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Who we are
The skin reflects the inner and outer well-being of each person. That’s why at DepilConcept we provide appropriate procedures for skin treatment for any specific goal. With more than 16 years of Experience in photoepilation, DepilConcept offers complete hair removal solutions and skin treatments, which are personalized and affordable to everyone.

Our history
DepilConcept was born in 2007 with the goal of making permanent hair removal available to everyone, solving hair and skin problems. DepilConcept started franchising in 2008 and has shown a rapid growth of clinics network not only in Portugal but also in Brazil, Poland and Serbia. In 2017 DepilConcept implemented its own cosmetics brand Concept+ that ensured higher quality of provided services. The year of 2018 was marked with DepilConcept rebranding and we have changed our image to more fresh and modern that allows us to target the larger market.

and laser for her/him




Permanent eyelash extensions and eyelash tinting

Depilconcept operates in 4 countries in 2019
Why DepilConcept
Reduced Investment
Fast return on investment
Exclusive area
Constant managerial support
No experience in the aesthetics required
Own brand products
Reduced RH Structure
Innovative and effective concept